Melis Sılacı Korkmaz
Jul 10, 2023
With the Presidential Decree No. 7346 Amending the Decree on Determination of Value Added Tax (VAT) Rates Applicable to Goods and Services, which was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32241 on 07 July 2023, VAT rates were amended as of July 10, 2023.
With the Presidential Decree No. 7346 Amending the Decree on Determination of Value Added Tax (VAT) Rates Applicable to Goods and Services, which was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32241 on 07 July 2023, VAT rates were amended as follows:
Standart VAT rate was increased from 18% to 20% and
Reduced VAT rate was increased from 8% to 10%.
The amendment will enter into force as of today (i.e. July 10th, 2023).
You may review the decision in Turkish from here .